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The IUICP has grown since its inauguration on 19 June 2007, and expanded both the number and the origin of its members.

The IUICP currently has members from the following institutions: The University of Alcalá, the General Forensic Science Office, the Civil Guard Forensic Service, the Basque Autonomous Police Force (Ertzaintza), the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the Office of the General Criminal Investigation Office, the Autonomous University of Madrid, Complutense University, Carlos III University, the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the University of Valencia, the University of Valladolid, La Rioja International University and the Prosecutor General's Office.

The Institute is open to new professionals, those belonging to other universities and/or police and research centres. Those interested can apply for admission at the email address